
Crossword Dictionary

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Target OS Android 4.4 or higher

User Dictionary Data

Data that can be added and used as a user dictionary for the crossword dictionary.

The system dictionary built into the Crossword Dictionary consists only of commonly used nouns, as this may increase the application size and search results.

If you want to increase the number of words, please download the following dictionary data.

* It is recommended to use it alone because the word overlaps with the system dictionary.

* The detailed contents have not been checked, so there is a possibility that misspellings or inappropriate words may be included in the dictionary.

>>When the user dictionary cannot be added.

>>The downloaded file is garbled and cannot be read.

Dictionary (Includes all part of speech)

Dictionary data that can be used as a Normal dictionary.

Search results may be huge because it includes verbs, adjectives, proper nouns, etc., in addition to nouns.

Searching by number of characters may not function properly because it includes symbols.

*If you want to search for characters including "%" or "_", you need to use escape characters in "Difficult Search".

Dictionary (nouns only)

Dictionary data for nouns only.

One-phrase words only. Words containing symbols are excluded, so you can search by character count.

*Depending on the data, proper nouns may be included.

Crossword Dictionary Sample User Dictionary

Here is a sample of a user dictionary.Please save the link when downloading.


Available files are text files such as [.csv][.txt].

Fill in the words one line at a time.

If you want to add a simple word, please write "Keyword".

If you want to add a supplement, please write "Keywords,Supplement".

You may omit any part that does not have a supplement.

If you want the supplementary information to hit the search, please add "Supplementary,Keyword".